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So far admin has created 4 blog entries.

Does your CV still need a cover letter in 2020?

By |2023-03-03T09:54:55+00:00October 6th, 2020|CV, Interview, Job Hunting|

Does your CV still need a cover letter in 2020? When recruiters spend less and less time looking at CVs and you’re applying for multiple positions, it can be tempting to skip the cover letter to save everybody time. So, in 2020, is a cover letter is still necessary? In short. the answer is yes.

Working from home with the kids and how to survive

By |2023-03-03T09:55:03+00:00March 30th, 2020|Working|

The spread of the coronavirus is forcing working parents into telecommute situations across the country. If you’re struggling to stay productive while working from home, these tips from full-time work-from-home moms may help. By Brooke Lea Foster Updated March 30, 2020 How to Master Working From Home—While Under Quarantine With Kids The spread of coronavirus is

The Health of our Nation and Employers…… can more be done?

By |2023-03-03T09:55:11+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Employment News|

Worrying as it is, the Coronavirus story has not been the only health topic of note in the national media recently. Last week the highly respected scientist Sir Michael Marmot - and the Institute of Health Equity (IoHE) - published a really important document entitled “Health Equity in England”.  This publication is the 10 year review

Brexit Britain: Five ways leaving the EU could affect your job search

By |2023-03-03T09:55:19+00:00February 7th, 2020|Employment News, Job Hunting|

by Michael Cheary   The British people have given their instruction: they want to leave the EU. However you voted, Britain’s decision to leave will, inevitably, have some ramifications on the job market – even if it’s too early to say exactly what they’ll be. To help try and make sense, here are our answers

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